Communications news magazine

Here are some popular communications news magazines:

  1. Communications News: A monthly magazine that covers the latest news, trends, and best practices in the field of communications.
  2. Ragan's PR Daily: A daily newsletter that provides news, tips, and insights on public relations, communications, and marketing.
  3. The Holmes Report: A global communications and marketing news magazine that covers the latest trends, research, and best practices.
  4. PRWeek: A UK-based magazine that covers the latest news, trends, and analysis on public relations, communications, and marketing.
  5. Advertising Age: A weekly magazine that covers the latest news, trends, and analysis on advertising, marketing, and media.
  6. MediaPost: A daily newsletter that provides news, analysis, and insights on media, marketing, and communications.
  7. The Drum: A UK-based magazine that covers the latest news, trends, and analysis on marketing, media, and communications.
  8. Campaign: A UK-based magazine that covers the latest news, trends, and analysis on advertising, marketing, and media.
  9. Mumbrella: An Australian-based magazine that covers the latest news, trends, and analysis on marketing, media, and communications.
  10. The Journal of Communication: A peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes original research on communication theory, research methods, and applications.

These magazines and newsletters provide valuable insights, news, and analysis on the latest developments in the field of communications, helping professionals stay up-to-date with the latest trends, best practices, and industry developments.