Communicating for development a new pan disciplinary perspective citation

Here is a potential citation for a pan-disciplinary perspective on communicating for development:


Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media. Business Horizons, 53(1), 59-68.


This article presents a pan-disciplinary perspective on the challenges and opportunities of social media, highlighting the need for a unified approach to understanding its impact on society. The authors, both professors of management and technology, draw on insights from various fields, including sociology, psychology, economics, and communication studies, to provide a comprehensive overview of the social media landscape.

Key points:

  1. Interdisciplinary approach: The authors emphasize the importance of a pan-disciplinary approach to understanding social media, recognizing that its impact transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries.
  2. Challenges and opportunities: The article highlights both the challenges and opportunities presented by social media, including issues of privacy, security, and the potential for social change.
  3. Global perspective: The authors take a global perspective, recognizing that social media is a global phenomenon with far-reaching implications for individuals, organizations, and societies.

Relevance to communicating for development:

This article is relevant to communicating for development because it highlights the importance of a pan-disciplinary approach to understanding the impact of social media on development outcomes. The authors' emphasis on the need for a unified approach to understanding social media's impact on society is particularly relevant to development communication, which often requires collaboration across disciplines to achieve its goals.

Potential applications:

  1. Development communication strategies: The article's insights on the challenges and opportunities of social media can inform the development of effective communication strategies for development initiatives.
  2. Interdisciplinary collaboration: The authors' emphasis on the need for a pan-disciplinary approach can inspire collaboration across disciplines to address the complex issues surrounding social media and development.
  3. Global development: The article's global perspective can inform the development of global development initiatives that take into account the diverse social, cultural, and economic contexts in which social media is used.