Communicating a new policy

Communicating a new policy effectively is crucial to ensure that employees understand the changes, comply with the policy, and adapt to the new requirements. Here are some steps to help you communicate a new policy:

  1. Prepare a clear and concise policy document: Write a clear, concise, and easy-to-understand policy document that outlines the new policy, its purpose, scope, and procedures.
  2. Identify the target audience: Determine who needs to know about the new policy, including employees, managers, customers, or suppliers.
  3. Choose the right communication channels: Decide which communication channels to use to reach your target audience, such as:
    • Email
    • Company intranet
    • Memo
    • Town hall meeting
    • Departmental meetings
    • Training sessions
    • Policy portal
  4. Use a variety of communication methods: Use a combination of communication methods to reach your audience, such as:
    • Written communication (email, memo, policy document)
    • Verbal communication (town hall meeting, departmental meetings)
    • Visual communication (posters, videos)
  5. Provide training and support: Offer training and support to help employees understand the new policy and how to apply it in their daily work.
  6. Address questions and concerns: Establish a process for employees to ask questions and raise concerns about the new policy. Provide timely and clear responses to their questions and concerns.
  7. Monitor and evaluate: Monitor the effectiveness of the communication and evaluate the impact of the new policy on the organization.

Additional tips:

Example of a communication plan for a new policy:

Policy: New Employee Onboarding Process

Target Audience: All employees, including new hires

Communication Channels:


By following these steps and tips, you can effectively communicate a new policy to your employees and ensure a smooth transition to the new requirements.