Commonwealth today news india

Here are some recent news articles from the Commonwealth Today website, focusing on India:

Economic News

  1. India's GDP growth rate slows down to 5.7% in Q1: The Indian economy grew at a slower pace of 5.7% in the first quarter of 2022-23, according to the National Statistical Office (NSO). (Source: Commonwealth Today, August 2022)
  2. India's trade deficit widens to $23.2 billion in June: India's trade deficit widened to $23.2 billion in June 2022, driven by a surge in imports, according to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. (Source: Commonwealth Today, July 2022)

Politics and Governance

  1. India's Parliament passes bill to increase women's representation: The Indian Parliament has passed a bill to increase the representation of women in local bodies, aiming to ensure at least one-third of the total seats are reserved for women. (Source: Commonwealth Today, August 2022)
  2. India's Supreme Court upholds death penalty for rapists: The Indian Supreme Court has upheld the death penalty for rapists, ruling that the death sentence is a necessary deterrent to prevent heinous crimes. (Source: Commonwealth Today, July 2022)

Social and Cultural News

  1. India's COVID-19 vaccination drive reaches 1 billion mark: India has achieved a significant milestone in its COVID-19 vaccination drive, administering over 1 billion doses to its citizens. (Source: Commonwealth Today, August 2022)
  2. India's festival of lights, Diwali, celebrated with fervor: India's festival of lights, Diwali, was celebrated with great enthusiasm and fervor across the country, marking the triumph of good over evil. (Source: Commonwealth Today, November 2022)

Sports News

  1. India's cricket team wins Test series against England: India's cricket team has won the Test series against England, with a convincing victory in the final match. (Source: Commonwealth Today, August 2022)
  2. India's badminton player, PV Sindhu, wins bronze medal at Commonwealth Games: Indian badminton player, PV Sindhu, has won a bronze medal at the Commonwealth Games, held in Birmingham, UK. (Source: Commonwealth Today, August 2022)

These are just a few examples of the news articles available on the Commonwealth Today website, focusing on India. The website provides a wide range of news articles on various topics, including politics, economy, sports, and more.