Commonwealth games nigeria wanted more but inexperience affected us #

It sounds like you're referring to Nigeria's performance at the Commonwealth Games. It's understandable that they would have had high expectations, but unfortunately, inexperience can be a significant factor in hindering their progress.

Inexperience can manifest in various ways, such as:

  1. Lack of exposure to international competition: Nigerian athletes may not have had the opportunity to compete against top-level opponents, which can make it difficult for them to gauge their performance and adjust accordingly.
  2. Limited training and preparation: Inexperience can also lead to inadequate training and preparation, which can result in athletes being under-prepared for the demands of the Commonwealth Games.
  3. Mental toughness: Inexperience can also affect an athlete's mental toughness, making it harder for them to cope with the pressure and stress of competing at a high level.

Despite these challenges, it's essential for Nigerian athletes to learn from their experiences and use them as an opportunity to grow and improve. With the right support, training, and guidance, they can develop the skills and confidence needed to excel at future competitions.

What do you think Nigeria can do to address these issues and improve their performance at future Commonwealth Games?