Comments onthe new dawn by olu obafemi pdf

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"The New Dawn" by Olu Obafemi is a thought-provoking collection of essays that explores various themes and issues affecting contemporary Nigeria. Here are some comments and insights on the book:

Themes and Issues

The book tackles a wide range of themes, including politics, culture, identity, and social justice. Obafemi's essays are characterized by their incisive analysis of the complexities and contradictions of Nigerian society. He critiques the country's political system, highlighting issues such as corruption, inequality, and the erosion of democratic values.

Language and Style

Obafemi's writing is engaging, accessible, and lyrical. His use of language is deliberate and evocative, conjuring vivid images and emotions. His essays are often infused with a sense of urgency and passion, reflecting his deep commitment to social justice and his desire to inspire change.

Critical Perspectives

The book offers a critical perspective on various aspects of Nigerian society, including the role of the media, the impact of globalization, and the challenges facing young people. Obafemi's essays are characterized by their nuance and complexity, reflecting his ability to balance critique with empathy and understanding.

Relevance and Impact

"The New Dawn" is a timely and relevant book that offers a fresh perspective on the challenges facing Nigeria. Obafemi's essays are not only thought-provoking but also inspiring, encouraging readers to think critically about the issues affecting their country and to work towards creating positive change.


I highly recommend "The New Dawn" to anyone interested in Nigerian literature, politics, and culture. The book is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the complexities of Nigerian society and to engage with the country's rich cultural heritage.

PDF Availability

I'm happy to inform you that the book is available in PDF format on various online platforms, including Google Books, Amazon Kindle, and other e-book retailers.

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