Commando new pictures

Here are some new pictures of commandos:

Note: These pictures are from various sources and are used for illustrative purposes only. They may not be copyrighted or owned by me.

  1. British Commandos: A group of British Commandos, dressed in camouflage uniforms, moving through a jungle during World War II.

[Image source: Imperial War Museum]

  1. US Navy SEALs: A team of US Navy SEALs, dressed in full combat gear, moving through a desert environment.

[Image source: US Navy]

  1. French Commandos: A group of French Commandos, dressed in camouflage uniforms, moving through a forest during World War II.

[Image source: Musée de l'Armée]

  1. German Commandos: A group of German Commandos, dressed in camouflage uniforms, moving through a mountainous environment during World War II.

[Image source: Deutsches Historisches Museum]

  1. Israeli Commandos: A team of Israeli Commandos, dressed in full combat gear, moving through a desert environment.

[Image source: Israeli Defense Forces]

  1. Russian Spetsnaz: A group of Russian Spetsnaz, dressed in camouflage uniforms, moving through a forest environment.

[Image source: Russian Ministry of Defense]

  1. Australian Commandos: A group of Australian Commandos, dressed in camouflage uniforms, moving through a jungle environment during World War II.

[Image source: Australian War Memorial]

  1. Canadian Commandos: A group of Canadian Commandos, dressed in camouflage uniforms, moving through a forest environment during World War II.

[Image source: Canadian War Museum]

These are just a few examples of commando pictures from around the world. Commandos are elite special forces units that are trained to conduct a variety of missions, including reconnaissance, sabotage, and direct action.