Command trust new hostkey once

A SSH-related question!

command trust new hostkey once is a command that can be used to temporarily trust a new host key for a single SSH connection. Here's what it does:

When you use this command, SSH will temporarily trust the new host key for the duration of the connection. This can be useful in situations where you need to connect to a server that has a new host key, such as when a server's host key is changed or when you're connecting to a server for the first time.

Here's an example of how you might use this command:

ssh -o "command trust new hostkey once" user@remote-server

Note that this command should be used with caution, as it allows SSH to trust a new host key without verifying its authenticity. It's generally recommended to use more secure methods to establish trust, such as adding the host key to your list of known hosts or using a SSH key agent.