Comic on new father

Here's a comic strip on a new father:

Panel 1

[Scene: A hospital room. A new father, John, is sitting in a chair, looking exhausted. His wife, Sarah, is holding their newborn baby, Emily. John looks at the baby with a mix of emotions.]

John: (whispering) Wow... she's so... small.

Sarah: (smiling) Isn't she beautiful?

John: (skeptical) Yeah... I mean, she's got a lot of... potential.

Panel 2

[Scene: John is holding Emily for the first time. He looks at her with a confused expression.]

John: (thinking) So, what's the deal with all these tiny fingers and toes? Are they, like, functional or something?

Sarah: (laughing) Yeah, they're totally functional. You'll get used to it.

John: (doubtful) I don't know... I feel like I'm going to break her.

Panel 3

[Scene: John is trying to burp Emily. He looks frustrated.]

John: (grumbling) Stupid baby... why won't you burp?!

Sarah: (calmly) Maybe you should try a different position.

John: (exasperated) Fine... (tries a different position) Ugh... this is ridiculous.

Panel 4

[Scene: John is sitting on the couch, holding Emily. He looks exhausted but happy.]

John: (whispering) You know, I never thought I'd say this, but... I think I'm actually starting to like this whole "being a dad" thing.

Sarah: (smiling) I knew you would.

John: (smiling back) Yeah... I mean, she's still really small and fragile, but... I think I'm starting to get the hang of this.

Panel 5

[Scene: John is looking at Emily with a proud expression.]

John: (thinking) You know, being a dad is like being a superhero... but instead of saving the world, you're just trying to keep this tiny human from destroying itself.

Sarah: (laughing) That's a great way to look at it.

John: (smiling) Yeah... and I'm pretty sure I'm up for the challenge.

I hope you enjoyed this comic strip!