Comedy mock news

Here's a fake news article with a comedic twist:

BREAKING: Cats Declared Official Rulers of the Internet

In a shocking turn of events, the United Nations has announced that cats have been declared the official rulers of the internet. The decision was made after a unanimous vote by the UN General Assembly, with representatives from around the world agreeing that cats have been the true masters of the digital realm for years.

According to sources, the cats' reign will be marked by an increase in cat videos, memes, and online shopping for cat toys and treats. The cats have also promised to use their newfound power to ensure that all internet users have an endless supply of cat pictures and GIFs.

"We're thrilled to finally have our paws on the wheel," said Whiskers, the newly appointed Feline Overlord of the Internet. "We've been secretly controlling the internet for years, and now it's time to make it official. Humans, you're welcome to stay and enjoy the ride, but don't think you're in charge anymore."

The cats have also announced plans to introduce a new currency, the "Purr-coin," which will be used to purchase catnip, scratching posts, and other feline necessities. The Purr-coin will be traded on the new Feline Stock Exchange, which is expected to be a major player in the global economy.

In related news, the world's top cat, Grumpy Cat, has been appointed as the new CEO of the internet. Grumpy Cat, known for her perpetual scowl, has promised to bring a sense of gravitas and seriousness to the role.

"I'm not going to let anyone get in the way of my catnip stash," said Grumpy Cat in a statement. "I'm going to make sure that the internet is run by cats, for cats, and that humans are just along for the ride."

The cats' takeover of the internet is expected to be a major game-changer for the world. Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.