Comedian ay surprises wife with a new car

What a wonderful surprise! Here's a possible script:

(The camera shows comedian Ay, standing in front of a wrapped-up car, with a big smile on his face. His wife, Ayşe, walks out of the house, looking confused.)

Ay: (excitedly) Surprise!

Ayşe: (confused) What's going on?

Ay: (dramatically) I got you a new car!

Ayşe: (skeptical) What? Why?

Ay: (proudly) Because you deserve it! You've been an amazing wife, and I wanted to get you something special.

Ayşe: (tearfully) Oh, Ay... (hugs Ay)

(The camera cuts to a shot of the car, as Ayşe walks around it, admiring it.)

Ay: (smiling) I know it's not just any car. It's a brand new, shiny, red sports car!

Ayşe: (excitedly) Oh my god, it's beautiful!

Ay: (laughing) I know, right? I wanted to get you something that would make you feel special, and I hope this does the trick.

Ayşe: (tearfully) It's the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. I love you, Ay.

Ay: (smiling) I love you too, Ayşe. And I'm glad you like the car.

(The camera cuts back to Ay and Ayşe, as they hug and kiss, with the new car in the background.)

Ay: (smiling) And don't worry, I didn't forget to get you a license plate. (holds up a plate that reads "AY'S WIFE")

Ayşe: (laughing) Oh, Ay... you're the best!

(The camera cuts to a shot of the car, as Ay and Ayşe drive off into the sunset, laughing and smiling together.)

This is just one possible script, but I hope it gives you an idea of how the surprise could play out!