Come fly with me new vegas

A classic!

"Come Fly with Me" is a popular song from the 1960s, and it's also a quest in Fallout: New Vegas!

In the game, "Come Fly with Me" is a quest given by the NCR's Colonel Cassandra Moore, who asks you to fly a plane to the NCR's airbase in the Mojave Wasteland. The quest is part of the main storyline and requires you to complete several tasks to help the NCR.

Here's a brief summary of the quest:

Quest Objectives:

  1. Fly to the NCR's airbase in the Mojave Wasteland.
  2. Deliver a package to the airbase.
  3. Help the NCR's pilots repair their planes.
  4. Escort a group of NCR soldiers to the airbase.

Tips and Strategies:

Fun Facts:

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