Combo breaker game

Combo Breaker is a popular fighting game term that refers to a technique used by players to interrupt an opponent's combo (a series of attacks that hit the opponent in rapid succession) and gain an advantage.

Here's how it works:

  1. An opponent starts a combo on you, hitting you with a series of attacks.
  2. You quickly perform a special move, throw, or other action that breaks the combo and puts the opponent on the defensive.
  3. This allows you to counterattack and potentially turn the tables on your opponent.

Combo Breakers can be used to:

Some common Combo Breaker techniques include:

Combo Breakers require good timing, spacing, and understanding of your character's moveset and your opponent's playstyle. They can be a powerful tool in a fighter's arsenal, but they also require practice and mastery to execute effectively.

Do you have a favorite fighting game or character that uses Combo Breakers?