Combo breaker

The sweet taste of victory!

"Combo Breaker" is a term often used in fighting games, particularly in the Street Fighter series, to describe a move that cancels out an opponent's combo attack. When a player lands a combo breaker, they are able to interrupt their opponent's attack sequence and gain the upper hand in the match.

In general, a combo breaker is a special move or technique that allows a player to escape from a combo attack and counterattack. It's often a high-priority move that can be difficult to defend against, and it requires good timing and execution to pull off effectively.

Some common types of combo breakers include:

  1. Counterattacks: These are moves that can be performed immediately after blocking an opponent's attack, allowing the player to quickly counterattack and gain the initiative.
  2. Throw counters: These are moves that can be performed to counter an opponent's throw attempt, allowing the player to turn the tables and throw their opponent instead.
  3. Special move counters: These are moves that can be performed to counter an opponent's special move, such as a fireball or a hadouken.
  4. Super combo breakers: These are moves that can be performed to break out of a super combo, allowing the player to escape from a devastating attack sequence.

Overall, combo breakers are an essential part of fighting game strategy, and mastering them can be a key factor in winning matches.