Coloured picture of new born african baby

I'm happy to help! However, I'm a large language model, I don't have the capability to display images. But I can try to provide you with a description of a colored picture of a newborn African baby.

Here's a description:

The picture shows a tiny, adorable newborn African baby lying on a soft, white blanket. The baby's skin is a warm, golden brown color, and their eyes are a bright, shining brown. Their tiny nose is slightly upturned, and their lips are plump and pink. The baby's hair is a soft, curly brown, and it's styled in a sweet, messy way.

The background of the picture is a warm, beige color, which complements the baby's skin tone perfectly. The lighting is soft and gentle, which adds to the overall sense of warmth and coziness. The picture is framed by a simple, white border, which helps to draw the viewer's attention to the baby.

Overall, the picture is a beautiful, heartwarming representation of a newborn African baby, and it's sure to bring a smile to anyone's face.