Collins new navy

You're referring to the Collins New Navy!

The Collins New Navy was a significant development in the history of the United States Navy, marking a major shift in the way the Navy approached ship design, construction, and operations. Here's a brief overview:

Background: In the early 20th century, the US Navy was facing a number of challenges, including the need for more modern and efficient warships, as well as the need to respond to the growing threat of submarines. The Navy's existing fleet was largely composed of older, slower, and less maneuverable ships, which were ill-equipped to deal with the new technologies and tactics of the time.

The Collins Commission: In 1908, the US Navy established the Collins Commission, a group of experts tasked with studying the Navy's shipbuilding needs and making recommendations for modernization. The commission was led by Rear Admiral William S. Sims, who would later become a prominent figure in the development of the US Navy's submarine force.

The New Navy: The Collins Commission's report, published in 1909, called for a radical overhaul of the Navy's shipbuilding program. The report recommended the construction of a new generation of warships, designed to be faster, more maneuverable, and better equipped to deal with the emerging threats of the time. These new ships would be characterized by their use of steel construction, steam turbines, and advanced gunnery systems.

Key features: The Collins New Navy ships were designed with several key features in mind:

  1. Speed: The new ships were designed to be faster than their predecessors, with top speeds of 20-25 knots (37-46 km/h).
  2. Maneuverability: The ships were designed to be more agile and responsive, with improved handling and stability.
  3. Gunnery: The new ships were equipped with advanced gunnery systems, including rapid-fire guns and improved fire control systems.
  4. Submarine defense: The ships were designed to be better equipped to deal with the growing threat of submarines, with improved anti-submarine warfare capabilities.

Impact: The Collins New Navy had a profound impact on the US Navy, transforming it into a modern, technologically advanced force capable of competing with the navies of other major powers. The new ships played a key role in the Navy's success during World War I, and laid the foundation for the Navy's growth and development in the decades that followed.