College of health calabar latest news

Here are some latest news and updates from the College of Health Sciences, University of Calabar:

Recent News

  1. New Dean Appointed: Professor Emmanuel E. Uche, a renowned expert in Public Health, has been appointed as the new Dean of the College of Health Sciences, University of Calabar. (Source: University of Calabar Website)
  2. Research Grant Awarded: The College of Health Sciences has been awarded a research grant by the National Research Foundation (NRF) to investigate the prevalence of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Calabar. (Source: Daily Trust)
  3. Collaboration with International Partners: The College has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the University of Ghana to collaborate on research and capacity building in the areas of Public Health and Health Systems. (Source: University of Calabar Website)
  4. New Programmes Launched: The College has launched new programmes in Health Informatics and Health Education, aimed at addressing the growing need for healthcare professionals with expertise in these areas. (Source: Vanguard News)
  5. Staff Development Programme: The College has organized a staff development programme to enhance the skills and knowledge of its academic staff in areas such as research methodology, teaching and learning, and curriculum development. (Source: University of Calabar Website)

Upcoming Events

  1. International Conference on Public Health: The College of Health Sciences will be hosting an international conference on Public Health, featuring keynote speakers from around the world. (Date: March 2023)
  2. Health Week Celebration: The College will be celebrating its annual Health Week, featuring health talks, workshops, and exhibitions. (Date: April 2023)
  3. Research Symposium: The College will be hosting a research symposium to showcase the research outputs of its staff and students. (Date: May 2023)

Recent Achievements

  1. Ranking in National Research Assessment: The College of Health Sciences has been ranked among the top 10 institutions in Nigeria in the National Research Assessment Exercise (NRAE) conducted by the National Universities Commission (NUC). (Source: NUC Website)
  2. Award for Best Research Paper: A research paper published by a team of researchers from the College of Health Sciences has won the award for Best Research Paper at the annual conference of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA). (Source: NMA Website)
  3. Collaboration with Local Government: The College has collaborated with the Calabar South Local Government Area to develop a community-based health programme aimed at improving healthcare services in the area. (Source: Daily Trust)

Please note that these news and updates are subject to change and may not be comprehensive. For the latest information, I recommend visiting the University of Calabar website or contacting the College of Health Sciences directly.