College of education ikere ekiti strike news

I've got some information on the strike news related to the College of Education, Ikere Ekiti.

Latest Update: As of my knowledge cutoff, the College of Education, Ikere Ekiti has been on strike since October 2022. The strike was called by the Academic Staff Union of Colleges of Education (ASUCE) over issues such as non-payment of salaries, non-implementation of the National Minimum Wage, and poor working conditions.

Reasons for the Strike: The ASUCE has been demanding the following:

  1. Payment of outstanding salaries and allowances owed to staff members.
  2. Implementation of the National Minimum Wage (N30,000) for all staff.
  3. Improved working conditions, including the provision of adequate infrastructure and facilities.
  4. Resolution of the issue of staff promotion and career progression.

Impact on Students: The strike has resulted in the suspension of academic activities, including lectures, exams, and other academic programs. Students are advised to stay away from the campus until the strike is called off.

Efforts to Resolve the Strike: The Ekiti State Government and the College Management have been engaging with the ASUCE to resolve the issues. However, no concrete agreement has been reached yet.

Latest News: As of my knowledge cutoff, there is no update on when the strike will be called off. The ASUCE has threatened to continue the strike until their demands are met.

Please note that this information is subject to change, and I recommend checking with reliable sources, such as the College's official website or social media channels, for the latest updates on the strike.

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