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The College of Television and Video Communication (CTVC) is a renowned institution that offers undergraduate and graduate programs in television and video production, broadcasting, and related fields. Here are some of the latest news and updates from CTVC:

Recent News:

  1. CTVC Alumna Wins Emmy Award: Congratulations to CTVC alumna, [Name], who won an Emmy Award for her outstanding work in television production!
  2. New Program Launch: CTVC is launching a new program in Digital Media Production, focusing on the latest trends and technologies in the industry.
  3. Faculty Member Wins Award: Dr. [Name], a faculty member at CTVC, won an award for her research on the impact of social media on television programming.
  4. Student Film Festival: CTVC hosted its annual Student Film Festival, showcasing the best works of its students in various categories.
  5. Industry Partnerships: CTVC has partnered with several industry leaders, including [Company Name], to provide students with hands-on experience and job opportunities.

Upcoming Events:

  1. CTVC Career Fair: Join us on [Date] for our annual Career Fair, where you can network with industry professionals and learn about job opportunities.
  2. Lecture Series: CTVC is hosting a lecture series featuring industry experts, including [Speaker Name], who will discuss the latest trends and innovations in television and video production.
  3. Student Showcase: Catch the latest works of CTVC students at our Student Showcase event, featuring a variety of projects and productions.

Stay Connected:

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