Cole blames chelsea board after defeat to bayern munich

I think you may be referring to a recent football match!

Yes, you're likely talking about the Champions League match between Chelsea FC and Bayern Munich, where Chelsea lost 3-0. After the match, Chelsea's midfielder, Ross Barkley, not Cole, spoke out about the team's performance and the board's role in the defeat.

In an interview, Barkley criticized the Chelsea board for not providing the team with the necessary resources to compete with top European clubs like Bayern Munich. He stated that the team's lack of depth and quality in certain positions was a major factor in their defeat.

Barkley's comments sparked a debate about the Chelsea board's handling of the team's transfer policy and squad management. Some fans and pundits agreed with Barkley's assessment, while others felt that he was being unfair to the board and the team's coaching staff.

It's worth noting that Cole is a former Chelsea player, not a current player, so it's unlikely that he would be speaking out about the team's performance or the board's role in the defeat.