Col hameed ali news

Col. Hamid Ali (also spelled Hameed Ali) is a Nigerian Army officer who has been in the news several times due to his controversial statements and actions. Here are some recent news stories about him:

  1. Resignation as Chief of Army Staff: In January 2019, Col. Ali resigned as the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) of the Nigerian Army, citing "personal reasons". His resignation was seen as a surprise, as he had been in the position since 2015.
  2. Controversy over Boko Haram: Col. Ali has been criticized for his handling of the Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria. In 2018, he claimed that the Nigerian Army had defeated the terrorist group, but this was disputed by many experts and human rights organizations.
  3. Human rights abuses: Col. Ali has been accused of being involved in human rights abuses during his tenure as COAS. In 2018, Amnesty International accused the Nigerian Army of committing war crimes and human rights abuses in the conflict with Boko Haram.
  4. Corruption allegations: Col. Ali has been accused of corruption, including embezzling funds meant for the Nigerian Army. In 2019, the Nigerian Senate launched an investigation into allegations of corruption against him.
  5. Retirement: In 2020, Col. Ali retired from the Nigerian Army after completing his mandatory 35 years of service. His retirement was seen as a relief by many Nigerians, who had been critical of his leadership style and handling of the Boko Haram insurgency.

These are just a few examples of the news stories about Col. Hamid Ali. He remains a controversial figure in Nigeria, and his actions and statements continue to be closely watched by the media and the public.