Coinsience news

You meant "consciousness news"! Here are some recent news articles and research findings related to consciousness:

Recent Research Findings:

  1. Neural correlates of consciousness: A study published in the journal Neuron identified specific brain regions and networks that are associated with conscious awareness. The researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to scan the brains of participants while they performed a task that required conscious attention. (Source: [1])
  2. The neural basis of self-awareness: A study published in the journal Science found that the neural networks involved in self-awareness are distinct from those involved in other cognitive processes. The researchers used electroencephalography (EEG) to measure brain activity in participants while they performed tasks that required self-reflection. (Source: [2])
  3. Consciousness and the brain's default mode network: A study published in the journal PLOS ONE found that the brain's default mode network, which is active when we're not focused on the outside world, is also involved in conscious processing. The researchers used fMRI to scan the brains of participants while they performed tasks that required conscious attention. (Source: [3])

News Articles:

  1. The Hard Problem of Consciousness: A recent article in The New York Times explores the "hard problem" of consciousness, which is the challenge of explaining why we have subjective experiences at all. The article discusses the latest research and theories on the topic. (Source: [4])
  2. Consciousness and the Quantum World: A recent article in Scientific American discusses the idea that consciousness may be related to the quantum world. The article explores the concept of "quantum consciousness" and its implications for our understanding of reality. (Source: [5])
  3. The Neuroscience of Meditation: A recent article in The Guardian discusses the latest research on the neuroscience of meditation, including its effects on consciousness and well-being. The article explores the benefits of meditation and how it can be used to improve mental health. (Source: [6])

Upcoming Conferences and Events:

  1. The 2023 Conference on Consciousness: This conference will be held in June 2023 in Berlin, Germany, and will feature talks by leading researchers in the field of consciousness studies. (Source: [7])
  2. The 2023 International Conference on Quantum Consciousness: This conference will be held in September 2023 in Vienna, Austria, and will explore the latest research on the relationship between consciousness and the quantum world. (Source: [8])

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