Coincsis news

You're looking for some interesting coincidences in the news! Here are a few recent ones:

  1. The "Coincidence of the Century": In 2019, a man in the UK won the lottery twice in the same week, with the same numbers. The odds of this happening are 1 in 139,838,160.
  2. The "Miracle on the Hudson": In 2009, US Airways Flight 1549 made an emergency landing on the Hudson River after both engines failed due to a bird strike. All 155 people on board survived, and it was dubbed the "Miracle on the Hudson."
  3. The "Twin Strangers": In 2015, a woman in the UK discovered that she had a doppelganger living on the other side of the world, in Australia. The two women, who were born on the same day and share the same birthday, were dubbed "Twin Strangers."
  4. The "Coincidence of the Century" (again!): In 2018, a man in the US won the lottery for the third time in his life, with the same numbers. The odds of this happening are 1 in 139,838,160.
  5. The "Synchronicity of the Spheres": In 2019, a group of scientists discovered that the orbits of two distant planets, Jupiter and Saturn, were aligned in a way that hadn't been seen in over 800 years. The alignment was dubbed the "Synchronicity of the Spheres."

These are just a few examples of the many fascinating coincidences that have made headlines over the years.