Cognos 11 new features

Cognos 11 is a significant release of the Cognos business intelligence platform, introducing several new features and enhancements to improve user experience, performance, and scalability. Here are some of the key new features in Cognos 11:

  1. New User Interface: Cognos 11 introduces a modernized user interface, providing a more intuitive and user-friendly experience. The new interface features a responsive design, making it easier to navigate and interact with reports and dashboards on various devices.
  2. Cloud-Based Deployment: Cognos 11 can be deployed in the cloud, providing greater flexibility and scalability. This allows organizations to quickly deploy and scale their business intelligence solutions to meet changing business needs.
  3. Advanced Data Visualization: Cognos 11 introduces new data visualization capabilities, including interactive dashboards, heat maps, and treemaps. These features enable users to gain deeper insights into their data and make more informed decisions.
  4. Enhanced Reporting: Cognos 11 includes several enhancements to reporting, including:
    • Improved report formatting and layout options
    • Enhanced data filtering and grouping capabilities
    • Support for more data sources, including big data and cloud-based data sources
  5. Advanced Analytics: Cognos 11 includes advanced analytics capabilities, such as:
    • Predictive analytics: enables users to forecast future trends and patterns
    • Text analytics: enables users to analyze and extract insights from unstructured data
    • Machine learning: enables users to build and deploy machine learning models
  6. Mobile Optimization: Cognos 11 is optimized for mobile devices, providing a seamless user experience across various devices and platforms.
  7. Security and Governance: Cognos 11 includes enhanced security and governance features, including:
    • Improved authentication and authorization controls
    • Enhanced data encryption and access controls
    • Support for compliance with regulatory requirements, such as GDPR and HIPAA
  8. Integration with Other IBM Products: Cognos 11 integrates with other IBM products, such as:
    • IBM Watson: enables users to leverage the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning
    • IBM Cloud: enables users to deploy and manage their business intelligence solutions in the cloud
    • IBM Data Science Experience: enables users to collaborate and share data science projects
  9. Improved Performance and Scalability: Cognos 11 includes several performance and scalability enhancements, including:
    • Improved query performance and optimization
    • Enhanced support for large datasets and big data
    • Support for high-availability and disaster recovery configurations
  10. New APIs and SDKs: Cognos 11 includes new APIs and SDKs, enabling developers to build custom applications and integrations with other systems and services.

These are just a few of the key new features and enhancements in Cognos 11. The platform continues to evolve and improve, providing users with a powerful and flexible business intelligence solution.