Coeasu news

COEASU (Conference of Educational Associations of the United States) is a professional organization that represents the interests of educational associations and institutions in the United States. Here are some recent news and updates from COEASU:

Recent News

  1. COEASU Annual Conference: The organization held its annual conference in October 2022, which featured keynote speakers, panel discussions, and networking opportunities for educational leaders and professionals.
  2. Advocacy Efforts: COEASU has been actively advocating for policies that support higher education and student success, including increased funding for student financial aid and research initiatives.
  3. Partnerships and Collaborations: COEASU has formed partnerships with other educational organizations, such as the American Council on Education (ACE) and the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), to promote shared goals and interests.

Recent Research and Reports

  1. The State of Higher Education: COEASU released a report in 2022 highlighting the current state of higher education in the United States, including trends in enrollment, graduation rates, and student debt.
  2. The Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education: The organization published a report in 2021 examining the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on higher education, including changes in student enrollment, academic programs, and institutional finances.
  3. The Future of Higher Education: COEASU has released a series of reports and white papers exploring the future of higher education, including topics such as online learning, artificial intelligence, and workforce development.

Upcoming Events

  1. COEASU Annual Conference 2023: The organization will hold its annual conference in April 2023, featuring keynote speakers, panel discussions, and networking opportunities for educational leaders and professionals.
  2. Regional Meetings: COEASU will host regional meetings throughout the year, providing opportunities for members to connect with colleagues and discuss issues relevant to their institutions and regions.

I hope this information is helpful!