Codeignter3 create new

CodeIgniter 3!

To create a new CodeIgniter 3 project, follow these steps:

Step 1: Download CodeIgniter 3

Go to the official CodeIgniter website and download the latest version of CodeIgniter 3 (CI 3.x). You can find the download link on the CodeIgniter website.

Step 2: Extract the files

Extract the downloaded zip file to a directory on your local machine. For example, you can extract it to C:\xampp\htdocs\ci3 (on Windows) or ~/Sites/ci3 (on macOS/Linux).

Step 3: Create a new project

Create a new directory within the extracted CodeIgniter 3 directory to hold your project files. For example, you can create a directory called myproject.

Step 4: Copy the necessary files

Copy the following files from the extracted CodeIgniter 3 directory to your new project directory:

Step 5: Configure the project

Open the index.php file in your project directory and update the following settings:

Step 6: Create a database

Create a new database for your project. You can use a database management tool like phpMyAdmin or create a new database using your preferred method.

Step 7: Configure the database

Open the database.php file in the application/config directory and update the database settings:

Step 8: Start coding!

You're now ready to start building your CodeIgniter 3 project! Create new controllers, models, and views as needed, and start coding away!

Remember to check the CodeIgniter 3 documentation for more information on how to use the framework and its various features.