Codecanyon wp news v1.4 native android app for wordpress

A very specific request!

Codecanyon is a marketplace where developers sell various digital products, including WordPress plugins and themes. WP News V1.4 is a WordPress plugin that allows users to create and manage news articles on their website.

The native Android app for WordPress is a mobile application that allows users to access and interact with their WordPress website on their Android device.

Here's a breakdown of what you can expect from the WP News V1.4 native Android app:


  1. News Feed: View the latest news articles from your WordPress website on your Android device.
  2. Article Details: View detailed information about each news article, including images, videos, and comments.
  3. Search: Search for specific news articles using keywords or categories.
  4. Filter: Filter news articles by categories, tags, or authors.
  5. Comments: Leave comments on news articles and engage with other readers.
  6. Push Notifications: Receive push notifications when new news articles are published or when you receive comments on your articles.
  7. Offline Reading: Download news articles for offline reading, perfect for areas with limited internet connectivity.
  8. Customization: Customize the app's appearance and behavior to suit your preferences.

Technical Requirements:

  1. Android Version: The app is compatible with Android 4.4 (KitKat) and later versions.
  2. Java: The app is built using Java programming language.
  3. XML: The app's user interface is designed using XML (Extensible Markup Language).
  4. API Integration: The app integrates with the WordPress REST API (Representational State of Resource) to fetch and update news articles.


  1. Convenience: Access your WordPress news articles on-the-go, without needing to open a web browser.
  2. Offline Reading: Download news articles for offline reading, perfect for areas with limited internet connectivity.
  3. Push Notifications: Stay up-to-date with the latest news articles and engage with other readers through push notifications.
  4. Customization: Customize the app's appearance and behavior to suit your preferences.

If you're interested in purchasing the WP News V1.4 native Android app for WordPress, you can find it on Codecanyon, a marketplace for digital products.