Code to migrate to new mtn better talk

Here is an example code snippet in Python to migrate from MTN BetterTalk to a new MTN BetterTalk instance:

import requests
import json

# Set your MTN BetterTalk credentials
old_better_talk_url = ""
old_api_key = "your_old_api_key"
new_better_talk_url = ""
new_api_key = "your_new_api_key"

# Get the list of conversations from the old instance
conversations_response = requests.get(f"{old_better_talk_url}/conversations", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {old_api_key}"})
conversations = conversations_response.json()

# Loop through each conversation and migrate it to the new instance
for conversation in conversations:
    conversation_id = conversation["id"]
    conversation_name = conversation["name"]
    conversation_description = conversation["description"]
    conversation_members = conversation["members"]

    # Create the conversation on the new instance
    new_conversation_response =
        headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {new_api_key}"},
            "name": conversation_name,
            "description": conversation_description,
            "members": conversation_members
    new_conversation_id = new_conversation_response.json()["id"]

    # Migrate the messages from the old instance to the new instance
    messages_response = requests.get(f"{old_better_talk_url}/conversations/{conversation_id}/messages", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {old_api_key}"})
    messages = messages_response.json()

    for message in messages:
        message_text = message["text"]
        message_author = message["author"]
        message_timestamp = message["timestamp"]

        # Create the message on the new instance
        new_message_response =
            headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {new_api_key}"},
                "text": message_text,
                "author": message_author,
                "timestamp": message_timestamp

    print(f"Conversation {conversation_name} migrated successfully!")

This code assumes that you have the requests library installed and that you have replaced the placeholders (old_better_talk_url, old_api_key, new_better_talk_url, and new_api_key) with your actual MTN BetterTalk credentials.

Please note that this is just an example code and you may need to modify it to fit your specific use case. Additionally, you should test the code thoroughly before running it in production to ensure that it works correctly and doesn't cause any data loss or corruption.

Also, please note that MTN BetterTalk has specific requirements for migrating conversations, such as preserving the conversation ID and ensuring that the new instance has the same configuration as the old instance. You should consult the MTN BetterTalk documentation and/or contact their support team for more information on the specific requirements for migrating conversations.