Code to filter news feed in a social media app

Here is an example of how you could filter a news feed in a social media app using a programming language like JavaScript and a framework like React:

// Define a function to filter the news feed
function filterNewsFeed(newsFeed, filters) {
  return newsFeed.filter((post) => {
    // Check if the post matches any of the filters
    return filters.some((filter) => {
      // Check if the post's content matches the filter
      if (filter.type === 'keyword') {
        return post.content.includes(filter.value);
      // Check if the post's author matches the filter
      else if (filter.type === 'author') {
        return === filter.value;
      // Check if the post's category matches the filter
      else if (filter.type === 'category') {
        return post.category === filter.value;
      // Check if the post's date matches the filter
      else if (filter.type === 'date') {
        return === filter.value;
      // Default to true if no filter matches
      return true;

// Define the news feed data
const newsFeed = [
    id: 1,
    content: 'Post 1',
    author: 'John Doe',
    category: 'Technology',
    date: '2022-01-01'
    id: 2,
    content: 'Post 2',
    author: 'Jane Smith',
    category: 'Sports',
    date: '2022-01-02'
    id: 3,
    content: 'Post 3',
    author: 'John Doe',
    category: 'Technology',
    date: '2022-01-03'
    id: 4,
    content: 'Post 4',
    author: 'Jane Smith',
    category: 'Sports',
    date: '2022-01-04'

// Define the filters
const filters = [
  { type: 'keyword', value: 'Technology' },
  { type: 'author', value: 'John Doe' },
  { type: 'category', value: 'Sports' },
  { type: 'date', value: '2022-01-02' }

// Filter the news feed
const filteredNewsFeed = filterNewsFeed(newsFeed, filters);

// Render the filtered news feed
const newsFeedList = => (
  <li key={}>
    <p>Author: {}</p>
    <p>Category: {post.category}</p>
    <p>Date: {}</p>

// Render the news feed list
ReactDOM.render(<ul>{newsFeedList}</ul>, document.getElementById('news-feed'));

This code defines a filterNewsFeed function that takes in a news feed array and an array of filters. It then uses the filter method to iterate over the news feed and check if each post matches any of the filters. If a post matches a filter, it is included in the filtered news feed.

The code also defines the news feed data and the filters. In this example, the filters are defined as an array of objects, where each object has a type property that specifies the type of filter (e.g. keyword, author, category, date) and a value property that specifies the value of the filter.

Finally, the code renders the filtered news feed using React. It uses the map method to iterate over the filtered news feed and create a list of <li> elements for each post. Each <li> element contains the post's content, author, category, and date.

You can customize the filtering logic by adding more filters or modifying the existing filters. You can also add more properties to the post objects to filter on additional criteria.

Note that this is just an example and you may need to modify it to fit your specific use case. Additionally, you may want to consider using a more robust filtering library or framework to handle more complex filtering scenarios.