Cocoa new update

You're referring to the latest updates from Cocoa, the popular open-source framework for building macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps!

Here are some of the notable updates:

Cocoa 14.0 (Xcode 14.0)

Released in September 2022, Cocoa 14.0 brings several improvements and new features, including:

  1. SwiftUI: Cocoa 14.0 includes the latest SwiftUI updates, which provide better performance, improved debugging, and new features like @EnvironmentObject and @EnvironmentValues.
  2. AppKit: The AppKit framework has been updated to support new features like NSWindow's translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints property and improved support for NSView's layer property.
  3. Core Data: Core Data has been updated to support more efficient data modeling and improved performance.
  4. Accessibility: Cocoa 14.0 includes several accessibility improvements, including better support for VoiceOver and improved keyboard navigation.

Cocoa 13.0 (Xcode 13.0)

Released in September 2021, Cocoa 13.0 introduced several significant updates, including:

  1. SwiftUI: SwiftUI was updated to support more advanced features like @StateObject and @EnvironmentObject.
  2. AppKit: AppKit received several updates, including improved support for NSWindow's translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints property and better handling of NSView's layer property.
  3. Core Data: Core Data was updated to support more efficient data modeling and improved performance.
  4. Metal: Metal, Apple's low-level graphics and compute framework, was updated to support more advanced features like MTLComputePipelineState and MTLTexture.

Cocoa 12.0 (Xcode 12.0)

Released in September 2020, Cocoa 12.0 introduced several significant updates, including:

  1. SwiftUI: SwiftUI was updated to support more advanced features like @StateObject and @EnvironmentObject.
  2. AppKit: AppKit received several updates, including improved support for NSWindow's translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints property and better handling of NSView's layer property.
  3. Core Data: Core Data was updated to support more efficient data modeling and improved performance.
  4. ARKit: ARKit, Apple's augmented reality framework, was updated to support more advanced features like ARWorldTrackingConfiguration and ARFaceTrackingConfiguration.

These are just a few of the notable updates from Cocoa. If you're interested in learning more, I recommend checking out the official Apple documentation and the Xcode release notes for each version.