Cockroaches in capri soone news

It seems like you're interested in knowing about the recent news about cockroaches in Capri!

According to recent reports, Capri, the picturesque Italian island, has been dealing with a cockroach infestation. The issue has been ongoing for some time, and authorities have been working to address the problem.

Here are some key points from the news:

  1. Widespread infestation: The cockroach infestation is widespread, affecting many areas of the island, including homes, businesses, and public spaces.
  2. Unusual species: The cockroaches found in Capri are an unusual species, known as the "American cockroach" (Periplaneta americana). They are larger and more aggressive than the common German cockroach.
  3. Food and water sources: Experts believe that the cockroaches are attracted to food and water sources, such as garbage, dirty drains, and unsealed food containers.
  4. Health concerns: The infestation has raised health concerns, as cockroaches can carry diseases and trigger allergies.
  5. Efforts to control the infestation: Authorities have launched a campaign to control the infestation, including increased garbage collection, improved sanitation, and targeted treatments.

It's essential to note that the situation is being closely monitored, and efforts are being made to address the issue. If you're planning to visit Capri, it's a good idea to take precautions to minimize your exposure to cockroaches, such as storing food in sealed containers and avoiding areas with poor sanitation.

Would you like to know more about cockroach infestations or how to prevent them?