Cobhams asuquo new single

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Cobhams Asuquo is a talented Nigerian music producer, singer, and songwriter. He's known for his soulful voice and thought-provoking lyrics.

As for his new single, I'm happy to inform you that Cobhams Asuquo has been quite active in the music scene lately. In fact, he released a new single titled "We Plenti" in 2022, which features Nigerian singer and songwriter, Simi.

"We Plenti" is a beautiful blend of Afrobeats, R&B, and soul music, with lyrics that celebrate the beauty of abundance and gratitude. The song has been well-received by fans and critics alike, and it's a great representation of Cobhams' signature sound.

If you're interested in listening to more of Cobhams Asuquo's music, I recommend checking out his discography, which includes hits like "One Hit", "Face of Love", and "Starlight".