Coalition for new nigeria website

The Coalition for New Nigeria (CNN) is a Nigerian non-governmental organization that aims to promote good governance, transparency, and accountability in the country. The organization was founded in 2017 and is led by a group of Nigerian intellectuals, professionals, and activists who are committed to promoting positive change in the country.

The CNN website is a platform that provides information and resources on the organization's activities, campaigns, and initiatives. The website also serves as a hub for news, analysis, and commentary on issues related to governance, politics, and development in Nigeria.

Some of the key features of the CNN website include:

  1. News and Analysis: The website features news articles, analysis, and commentary on current events and issues in Nigeria, including politics, governance, economy, and social issues.
  2. Campaigns and Initiatives: The website provides information on the organization's campaigns and initiatives, including its advocacy work on issues such as corruption, human rights, and good governance.
  3. Resources: The website offers a range of resources, including reports, research papers, and policy briefs, on issues related to governance, politics, and development in Nigeria.
  4. Events: The website provides information on upcoming events, conferences, and seminars organized by the organization, as well as past events and their outcomes.
  5. About Us: The website provides information on the organization's mission, vision, and values, as well as its leadership and staff.

The CNN website is a valuable resource for anyone interested in staying informed about current events and issues in Nigeria, as well as for those who want to learn more about the organization's work and initiatives.

Here is the website URL:

Note: The website may be subject to change, and it's always a good idea to verify the accuracy of the information provided.