Coady institute news

The Coady Institute is a renowned international development organization based at St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada. Here are some recent news and updates from the Coady Institute:

Recent News

  1. New Cohort of Coady International Institute's Master of Arts in Development Practice: The Coady Institute has welcomed a new cohort of students to its Master of Arts in Development Practice program, which is designed to equip professionals with the skills and knowledge to address global development challenges.
  2. Coady Institute Partners with the Government of Canada to Support Sustainable Development: The Coady Institute has partnered with the Government of Canada to support sustainable development projects in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The partnership aims to promote economic growth, reduce poverty, and improve the lives of marginalized communities.
  3. Coady Institute Launches New Online Course on Sustainable Development: The Coady Institute has launched a new online course on sustainable development, which is designed to provide professionals with the knowledge and skills to promote sustainable development practices in their organizations and communities.

Upcoming Events

  1. Coady Institute's Annual Development Studies Conference: The Coady Institute will be hosting its annual Development Studies Conference in October 2023, which will bring together experts and practitioners from around the world to share knowledge and best practices on sustainable development.
  2. Coady Institute's International Development Week: The Coady Institute will be hosting its International Development Week in November 2023, which will feature a series of events, workshops, and lectures on international development topics.

Recent Research and Publications

  1. Coady Institute's Research on Climate Change and Sustainable Development: The Coady Institute has published a new research paper on the impact of climate change on sustainable development in Africa. The paper highlights the need for urgent action to address the effects of climate change on vulnerable communities.
  2. Coady Institute's Book on International Development: The Coady Institute has published a new book on international development, which provides an overview of the key concepts, theories, and practices in the field of international development.

I hope this information is helpful!