Cnpreviewtext keeps showing on my news letter

The pesky cnpreviewtext issue!

cnpreviewtext is a default text that appears in some email clients, including Gmail, when the email content is not properly formatted or when the email is not optimized for mobile devices. It's usually a placeholder text that says "Preview text" or "This is a preview of the email content".

To get rid of cnpreviewtext in your newsletter, try the following:

  1. Check your email template: Make sure your email template is properly formatted and optimized for mobile devices. You can use a responsive design template or a template specifically designed for email newsletters.
  2. Use a clear and concise subject line: A clear and concise subject line can help reduce the likelihood of cnpreviewtext appearing. Try to keep your subject line short and to the point.
  3. Use a preview text: Instead of relying on the default cnpreviewtext, you can add a custom preview text to your email campaign. This will allow you to control the text that appears in the email preview.
  4. Check your email content: Ensure that your email content is well-formatted and easy to read. Avoid using too much text or too many images, as this can cause the email to appear cluttered and may trigger the cnpreviewtext issue.
  5. Test your email campaign: Before sending your newsletter to your subscribers, test it thoroughly to ensure that it looks and functions as expected. Check for any formatting issues or errors that may cause cnpreviewtext to appear.
  6. Check your email client settings: If you're using a specific email client, such as Gmail, check your settings to see if there's an option to disable cnpreviewtext. You can usually find this option in the email client's settings or preferences.

By following these tips, you should be able to get rid of cnpreviewtext in your newsletter and ensure that your subscribers receive a clean and well-formatted email.