Cnn world news today 2016

Here are some of the top stories from CNN World News on December 31, 2016:

Top Stories

  1. Terrorist Attack in Istanbul: A suicide bomber detonated an explosive device at a popular tourist area in Istanbul, Turkey, killing at least 10 people and injuring many more.
  2. North Korea Tests New Missile: North Korea launched a new ballistic missile, which flew over Japan and landed in the Pacific Ocean, prompting a warning from the US and Japan to avoid the area.
  3. Syria Ceasefire Collapses: A fragile ceasefire in Syria collapsed, with reports of renewed fighting and airstrikes in several parts of the country.
  4. US Election Investigation: The FBI announced that it was reopening its investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server, just days before the presidential election.
  5. Drought in Africa: A severe drought in Africa has left millions of people without access to clean water, food, and shelter, with the UN warning of a "looming humanitarian crisis".

International News

  1. Brexit Talks Begin: The UK and EU began talks on the terms of the UK's exit from the EU, with both sides warning of the challenges ahead.
  2. India's Cash Crisis: India's government introduced a new currency, the rupee, in an effort to combat a cash crisis caused by the sudden withdrawal of large denomination notes.
  3. South Africa's Zuma Survives No-Confidence Vote: South African President Jacob Zuma survived a no-confidence vote in parliament, despite widespread calls for his resignation.
  4. China's Economic Slowdown: China's economy slowed to its lowest growth rate in 26 years, sparking concerns about the impact on the global economy.
  5. Russia's Military Buildup: Russia announced plans to increase its military spending by 10% in 2017, amid tensions with the West over Ukraine and Syria.

Business and Finance

  1. Oil Prices Fall: Oil prices fell to their lowest level in 11 years, amid concerns about oversupply and weak demand.
  2. Global Stock Markets: Global stock markets fell sharply, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropping over 1,000 points, amid concerns about the impact of the US election on the economy.
  3. Brexit's Impact on Economy: The UK's decision to leave the EU has sent shockwaves through the global economy, with many businesses and investors warning of the risks ahead.
  4. China's Economic Reforms: China's government announced plans to reform its economy, including reducing state control and increasing market competition.
  5. US Federal Reserve: The US Federal Reserve raised interest rates for the second time in 2016, amid concerns about inflation and the economy.

These are just some of the top stories from CNN World News on December 31, 2016.