Cnn world news on chidish

I think you meant "CNN World News for kids"!

Here's a simplified version of the news, presented in a way that's easy for kids to understand:

Top Stories

  1. SpaceX Launches New Satellite: SpaceX, a company that makes rockets, launched a new satellite into space. This satellite will help us learn more about the Earth and the universe!
  2. New Species of Frog Discovered: Scientists found a new species of frog in the Amazon rainforest. This little guy is super cool and has bright colors!
  3. Record-Breaking Weather: A big storm in the United States broke records for the most rain in one day. It's important to stay safe during storms and listen to grown-ups.

Fun Facts

  1. Did you know...: The shortest war in history was between Britain and Zanzibar on August 27, 1896, and lasted only 38 minutes!
  2. Cool Animal Fact: The axolotl is a type of salamander that can regrow its limbs if they get hurt. Isn't that amazing?
  3. Fun Food Fact: Did you know that the world's largest pizza was over 13,000 square feet? That's a lot of pizza!

What's Happening in the World

  1. International Day of Friendship: Today is a special day to celebrate our friends and the importance of friendship.
  2. Summer Olympics: The Summer Olympics are coming up soon! Athletes from all around the world will compete in sports like swimming, gymnastics, and more.
  3. Wildfires in Australia: Unfortunately, there are still wildfires burning in Australia. Let's hope they get under control soon.

That's all for today's CNN World News for kids! Stay curious, stay informed, and stay awesome!