Cnn world news leaders amanpour june 30 2018

A specific request!

According to the CNN website, on June 30, 2018, Christiane Amanpour's "Amanpour" program on CNN World News featured the following leaders:


  1. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations
  2. Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission
  3. Emmanuel Macron, President of France


  1. The UN's response to the global refugee crisis
  2. The European Union's response to the migrant crisis
  3. The future of the European Union and the impact of Brexit
  4. The role of international cooperation in addressing global challenges


In this episode, Christiane Amanpour discussed the global refugee crisis with UN Secretary-General António Guterres, who emphasized the need for a comprehensive approach to address the root causes of migration. She also spoke with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker about the EU's response to the migrant crisis and the implications of Brexit on the continent. Finally, she interviewed French President Emmanuel Macron about the future of the European Union and the role of international cooperation in addressing global challenges.

Please note that this information is based on the CNN website's archives and may not reflect the full transcript or video content of the program.