Cnn trumps breaking news today

Here are some of the latest breaking news stories from CNN about Trump:

Breaking News:

  1. Trump's Impeachment Trial to Begin in Senate: The Senate is set to begin the impeachment trial of President Trump on January 16, with Chief Justice John Roberts presiding over the proceedings. The trial is expected to last several weeks, with the Senate voting on whether to convict or acquit the President on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. (Source: CNN)
  2. Trump's Legal Team Files Response to Impeachment Articles: President Trump's legal team has filed a response to the impeachment articles, arguing that the charges against him are "constitutionally invalid" and that the Senate has no jurisdiction to try him. The response also claims that the impeachment process is a "witch hunt" and a "partisan attack" on the President. (Source: CNN)
  3. Trump's Approval Rating Hits New Low: A new CNN/SSRS poll shows that President Trump's approval rating has hit a new low, with only 38% of Americans approving of his performance in office. The poll also shows that a majority of Americans (55%) believe that Trump should be impeached and removed from office. (Source: CNN)
  4. Trump's Trade War with China Continues to Cause Economic Concerns: The ongoing trade war between the US and China is causing economic concerns, with the US Chamber of Commerce warning that the tariffs imposed by both countries could lead to a recession. The trade war has also led to a decline in US exports to China, with the value of exports falling by 12% in 2019. (Source: CNN)
  5. Trump's Border Wall Construction Continues to Face Delays: Construction on the US-Mexico border wall is facing delays, with the US Customs and Border Protection agency announcing that it has not yet received the necessary funding to complete the project. The wall is a key campaign promise of Trump's, but its construction has been met with opposition from many Democrats and some Republicans. (Source: CNN)

These are just a few of the latest breaking news stories from CNN about Trump. Stay tuned for further updates!