Cnn student news podcast

The CNN Student News podcast is a weekly podcast that provides news and current events coverage specifically for students. The podcast is designed to help students stay informed about what's happening in the world and to develop their critical thinking and media literacy skills.

Here are some key features of the CNN Student News podcast:

  1. News coverage: The podcast covers a wide range of news topics, including politics, education, science, technology, and more.
  2. Student-friendly language: The podcast uses simple and clear language that is easy for students to understand.
  3. Interviews with experts: The podcast often features interviews with experts in various fields, including scientists, historians, and policymakers.
  4. Analysis and discussion: The podcast includes analysis and discussion of the news stories, helping students to think critically about the issues and develop their own opinions.
  5. Interactive elements: The podcast often includes interactive elements, such as quizzes, games, and challenges, to engage students and make learning fun.

Some popular episodes of the CNN Student News podcast include:

The CNN Student News podcast is available on various platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. You can also listen to the podcast on the CNN website.

Overall, the CNN Student News podcast is a great resource for students who want to stay informed about current events and develop their critical thinking and media literacy skills.