Cnn student news october 3 2018

Here is the CNN Student News broadcast from October 3, 2018:

Top Story:

Hurricane Florence made landfall in North Carolina on Friday, bringing strong winds and heavy rain to the eastern part of the state. The storm has caused widespread flooding and power outages, and officials are warning of a long and difficult recovery process.

Other Stories:

NASA's Parker Solar Probe has reached the sun, becoming the closest human-made object to the star. The probe is designed to study the sun's corona, or outer atmosphere, and will help scientists better understand the sun's behavior and its impact on the solar system.

A new study has found that polar bears are losing weight and their sea ice habitats are melting at an alarming rate due to climate change. The study suggests that if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, polar bears could become extinct by the end of the century.

Google has created a special doodle to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first human-to-human heart transplant. The transplant was performed by Dr. Christiaan Barnard in 1968 and marked a major milestone in the field of medicine.

Student News:
