Cnn student news november 18 2019

Here are the top stories from CNN Student News for November 18, 2019:

Top Story: Impeachment Inquiry Continues

The impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump continues in Washington, D.C. The inquiry is focused on whether the President abused his power by asking Ukraine to investigate his political rival, Joe Biden. The inquiry has been ongoing for several weeks, and lawmakers are expected to vote on whether to impeach the President in the coming weeks.

Story 2: Climate Change Protests Around the World

Protests about climate change took place in cities around the world on Friday, including in the United States, Europe, and Asia. The protests were organized by a group called Fridays for Future, which was founded by Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg. The protesters are demanding that governments take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address the threat of climate change.

Story 3: NASA's Artemis Program

NASA has announced plans to return humans to the moon by 2024 under its Artemis program. The program aims to establish a sustainable presence on the moon and eventually send humans to Mars. The mission will include a new lunar lander and a spacecraft that will take astronauts to the moon's surface.

Story 4: College Football Player's Inspirational Story

A college football player has become an inspiration to many after he was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. The player, named Drew Cook, was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2018, but he has continued to play football and has even started a foundation to raise money for cancer research.

Story 5: New Species of Ancient Human Discovered

Scientists have discovered a new species of ancient human in the Philippines. The species, which is called Homo luzonensis, is believed to have lived on the island of Luzon at least 50,000 years ago. The discovery is significant because it provides new insights into the evolution of the human species.

These are the top stories from CNN Student News for November 18, 2019. I hope you find them interesting and informative!