Cnn student news gun control

Here are some recent articles and videos from CNN Student News on the topic of gun control:


  1. "Gun control debate heats up after mass shootings" (March 2022)
    • This article discusses the ongoing debate over gun control in the United States, including the push for stricter laws and the resistance from some lawmakers and gun rights groups.
  2. "What's the latest on gun control in the US?" (February 2022)
    • This article provides an update on the current state of gun control laws in the United States, including the status of various bills and proposals.
  3. "Gun control advocates push for action after school shooting" (May 2022)
    • This article reports on the response to a school shooting in the United States, including the push for stricter gun control laws and the efforts of students and activists to demand action.


  1. "Gun control debate: What's at stake?" (March 2022)
    • This video explores the gun control debate in the United States, including the arguments for and against stricter laws.
  2. "Student activists demand action on gun control" (April 2022)
    • This video features interviews with student activists who are pushing for stricter gun control laws, including their personal experiences and motivations.
  3. "Gun control: What's the solution?" (February 2022)
    • This video discusses potential solutions to the gun control debate, including universal background checks, red flag laws, and assault weapon bans.


  1. "Gun control: A student's perspective" (March 2022)
    • This segment features a student who shares their personal experience with gun violence and discusses their thoughts on gun control.
  2. "The gun control debate: A look at both sides" (February 2022)
    • This segment presents both sides of the gun control debate, featuring interviews with advocates for stricter laws and those who oppose them.
  3. "Gun control: What can you do?" (April 2022)
    • This segment provides tips and resources for students who want to get involved in the gun control debate and make a difference.

I hope these resources are helpful!