Cnn student news december 2 2019

Here are the top stories from CNN Student News for December 2, 2019:

Top Story: Impeachment Inquiry Continues

The impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump continues in Washington, D.C. The House Judiciary Committee is hearing from legal experts about whether the President's actions are impeachable offenses. The inquiry is focused on whether Trump abused his power and obstructed Congress.

Story 2: Climate Change Talks in Madrid

World leaders are meeting in Madrid, Spain, to discuss climate change. The talks are aimed at finalizing a global agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow the rise of global temperatures. The United States is not participating in the talks, but many other countries are pushing for stronger action to address the crisis.

Story 3: NASA's Artemis Program

NASA is planning to return humans to the moon by 2024 under its Artemis program. The program aims to establish a sustainable presence on the moon and eventually send humans to Mars. NASA is working with private companies to develop the necessary technology and infrastructure.

Story 4: College Football Playoff

The College Football Playoff (CFP) has announced its top four teams for the 2019 season. LSU, Ohio State, Clemson, and Georgia will compete in the semifinals, with the winners advancing to the national championship game.

Story 5: New Species of Ancient Human Discovered

Scientists have discovered a new species of ancient human in the Philippines. The species, called Homo luzonensis, is believed to have lived on the island of Luzon at least 50,000 years ago. The discovery provides new insights into human evolution and migration.

Student News: Student of the Day

Meet our Student of the Day, 17-year-old Emma from California. Emma is a high school senior who is passionate about environmental activism and has been working to reduce waste and promote sustainability in her community.

That's the way it is!