Cnn student news april 23 2019

Here are the top stories from CNN Student News for April 23, 2019:

Top Story: NASA's Kepler Space Telescope Retires

The Kepler Space Telescope, which has been exploring the universe for the past 9 years, has officially retired. The telescope was launched in 2009 and has discovered thousands of exoplanets, which are planets outside of our solar system. NASA says that the telescope has completed its primary mission and will now be used for other scientific research.

Story 2: New Zealand's Prime Minister Apologizes for Country's Treatment of Indigenous People

New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has apologized for the country's treatment of its indigenous Maori people. The apology comes after a report found that the government had failed to protect Maori children from abuse and neglect. Ardern said that the government is committed to making amends and working to improve the lives of Maori people.

Story 3: NASA's InSight Lander Lands on Mars

NASA's InSight Lander has successfully landed on Mars, marking the first time that a spacecraft has landed on the planet since 2012. The lander will study the interior of Mars and help scientists learn more about the planet's geology and composition.

Story 4: Students in the US are Taking a Stand Against Climate Change

Students across the United States are taking a stand against climate change, with many participating in protests and rallies to demand action from their leaders. The movement, which is inspired by the global climate strikes, is calling for immediate action to address the climate crisis.

Story 5: A New Species of Ancient Human is Discovered

Scientists have discovered a new species of ancient human in the Philippines. The species, which is called Homo luzonensis, is believed to have lived on the island of Luzon at least 50,000 years ago. The discovery provides new insights into the evolution of human species and the history of human migration.

These are the top stories from CNN Student News for April 23, 2019. I hope you find them interesting and informative!