Cnn newsroom breaking news




  1. Biden Administration Announces New COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate: The White House has announced a new vaccine mandate for federal employees, contractors, and healthcare workers. The move comes as the US struggles to contain the spread of the delta variant.
  2. Taliban Seize Key Afghan City: The Taliban has taken control of the strategic city of Kunduz, the capital of Kunduz Province in northern Afghanistan. The city is a key transportation hub and its fall could have significant implications for the country's future.
  3. Wildfires Rage Across Western US: A series of devastating wildfires are burning across the western United States, forcing thousands to evacuate and causing widespread damage. The fires have been fueled by hot and dry conditions, and firefighters are struggling to contain the blazes.
  4. UK and EU Reach Brexit Deal: After months of negotiations, the UK and EU have reached a deal on Brexit, paving the way for the UK's departure from the EU. The agreement covers issues such as trade, borders, and citizens' rights.
  5. NASA's Perseverance Rover Discovers Evidence of Ancient Lake on Mars: NASA's Perseverance rover has discovered evidence of an ancient lake on Mars, which could have supported life billions of years ago. The discovery is a major breakthrough in the search for life beyond Earth.


  1. Protests Erupt in Cuba Over Economic Crisis: Protests have broken out in Cuba over the country's economic crisis, with thousands taking to the streets to demand change. The protests are the largest in decades, and the government has responded with force.
  2. North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile: North Korea has fired a ballistic missile into the sea, in a move that has been condemned by the international community. The missile was launched from the country's eastern coast and flew over Japan.
  3. Hurricane Henri Makes Landfall in US: Hurricane Henri has made landfall in the US, bringing strong winds and heavy rain to the East Coast. The storm is expected to cause significant damage and disruption.


  1. Biden Announces New Vaccine Mandate: Watch as President Biden announces the new vaccine mandate for federal employees, contractors, and healthcare workers.
  2. Taliban Seize Kunduz City: Watch as the Taliban takes control of Kunduz City, the capital of Kunduz Province in northern Afghanistan.
  3. Wildfires Rage Across Western US: Watch as wildfires burn across the western United States, forcing thousands to evacuate and causing widespread damage.


  1. Protests in Cuba: See photos of the protests in Cuba, where thousands are demanding change over the country's economic crisis.
  2. Hurricane Henri Makes Landfall: See photos of Hurricane Henri making landfall in the US, bringing strong winds and heavy rain to the East Coast.
  3. Taliban Seize Kunduz City: See photos of the Taliban taking control of Kunduz City, the capital of Kunduz Province in northern Afghanistan.


The CNN Newsroom will continue to bring you the latest updates on these stories and others as they develop. Stay tuned for further updates and analysis.