Cnn news videos today

Here are some CNN news videos from today:

Top Stories

  1. Biden to visit Texas after devastating winter storm: President Joe Biden is set to visit Texas on Friday to survey the damage from a devastating winter storm that has left millions without power and water. (Video: 2:30 minutes)
  2. COVID-19 cases surge in US as variants spread: The US is seeing a surge in COVID-19 cases as new variants of the virus spread across the country. Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains what's happening and what you can do to stay safe. (Video: 3:30 minutes)
  3. Tensions rise between US and Iran after rocket attack: Tensions between the US and Iran have escalated after a rocket attack on a US military base in Iraq. CNN's Nick Paton Walsh reports from Baghdad. (Video: 2:45 minutes)


  1. Biden's COVID-19 relief plan faces Senate hurdles: President Biden's COVID-19 relief plan is facing hurdles in the Senate, where lawmakers are debating the size and scope of the package. CNN's Jake Tapper reports. (Video: 2:15 minutes)
  2. Trump's impeachment trial set to begin: The impeachment trial of former President Trump is set to begin in the Senate, with Democrats accusing him of inciting the January 6th insurrection. CNN's Jeff Zeleny reports. (Video: 2:30 minutes)

World News

  1. Myanmar military seizes power in coup: The military in Myanmar has seized power in a coup, detaining the country's leader and other top officials. CNN's Anna Coren reports from Bangkok. (Video: 2:45 minutes)
  2. UK and EU reach Brexit trade deal: The UK and EU have reached a Brexit trade deal, ending months of negotiations and paving the way for the UK's departure from the EU. CNN's Nada Bashir reports from Brussels. (Video: 2:15 minutes)


  1. Stock market plunges as COVID-19 cases surge: The stock market has plunged as COVID-19 cases surge across the US, with investors worried about the impact on the economy. CNN's Christine Romans reports. (Video: 2:30 minutes)
  2. Tesla's stock soars after record earnings: Tesla's stock has soared after the company reported record earnings, with investors betting on the electric car maker's future growth. CNN's Julia Chatterley reports. (Video: 2:15 minutes)

These are just a few of the many news videos available on CNN today. You can visit the CNN website or watch the CNN app to see more videos and stay up-to-date on the latest news.