Cnn news updates via email

Here's how you can get CNN news updates via email:

Method 1: CNN's Email Newsletter

  1. Go to CNN's website (
  2. Click on the "Newsletters" tab at the top of the page
  3. Choose the newsletter you're interested in, such as "Top News" or "Breaking News"
  4. Enter your email address and click "Subscribe"
  5. You'll receive a confirmation email to verify your subscription

Method 2: CNN's Email Alerts

  1. Go to CNN's website (
  2. Click on the "Email Alerts" tab at the top of the page
  3. Choose the topics you're interested in, such as "Politics" or "Business"
  4. Enter your email address and click "Subscribe"
  5. You'll receive email alerts when there are breaking news stories or updates on the topics you've chosen

Method 3: Third-Party News Aggregators

  1. Sign up for a news aggregator service like Apple News, Google News, or Flipboard
  2. Add CNN as one of your news sources
  3. Customize your settings to receive email updates on the topics and news stories you're interested in
