Cnn news today pakistan

Here are the top news stories from CNN about Pakistan today:

Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan says he will not resign

Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan has refused to resign despite opposition demands, saying he has the support of the country's military and the people. Khan has been under pressure to step down after a no-confidence vote in the National Assembly, which is expected to take place soon. (Source: CNN)

Pakistan's economy in crisis

Pakistan's economy is facing a severe crisis, with the country's foreign exchange reserves dwindling to just $3.7 billion. The country is struggling to pay its debts and is in need of a bailout from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The economic crisis has led to widespread protests and unrest in the country. (Source: CNN)

Taliban militants attack Pakistani military convoy

Taliban militants have attacked a Pakistani military convoy in the northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, killing at least 10 soldiers. The attack is the latest in a series of incidents in which Taliban militants have targeted Pakistani security forces. (Source: CNN)

Pakistan's Supreme Court orders release of detained journalist

Pakistan's Supreme Court has ordered the release of a journalist who was detained by the country's security agencies. The journalist, who was arrested in 2019, was accused of spreading false information about the country's military. The court's decision is seen as a victory for press freedom in Pakistan. (Source: CNN)

Pakistan's cricket team wins test series against England

Pakistan's cricket team has won a test series against England, defeating the visitors by 1-0. The series was played in the United Arab Emirates and was a significant victory for Pakistan, which has been struggling in international cricket in recent years. (Source: CNN)

Please note that these are just some of the top news stories from CNN about Pakistan today, and the situation may have changed since the last update.