Cnn news on video games

Here are some recent CNN news articles and videos related to video games:


  1. "Fortnite's latest season is a major departure from its usual formula" (March 2023) - CNN Business explores the changes in Fortnite's latest season and what it means for the game's future.
  2. "The rise of cloud gaming: Is it the future of gaming?" (February 2023) - CNN Tech examines the growing trend of cloud gaming and its potential impact on the gaming industry.
  3. "Why gamers are boycotting 'Cyberpunk 2077'" (December 2020) - CNN Entertainment reports on the controversy surrounding the release of Cyberpunk 2077 and the backlash from gamers.


  1. "The future of gaming: Cloud gaming and beyond" (February 2023) - CNN's "Reliable Sources" segment explores the future of gaming, including cloud gaming and other emerging trends.
  2. "The impact of gaming on mental health" (January 2023) - CNN's "New Day" segment discusses the growing concern about the impact of gaming on mental health and what parents can do to help.
  3. "The rise of esports: A new generation of gamers" (November 2020) - CNN's "CNN Newsroom" segment reports on the growing popularity of esports and the new generation of gamers who are driving its growth.


  1. "Gaming's biggest controversies" (March 2023) - CNN's "Reliable Sources" segment discusses some of the biggest controversies in the gaming industry, including loot boxes and toxic online behavior.
  2. "The business of gaming: How the industry makes money" (February 2023) - CNN's "CNN Business" segment explores the business side of the gaming industry, including how games are developed and marketed.
  3. "The impact of gaming on society" (January 2023) - CNN's "New Day" segment discusses the broader impact of gaming on society, including its effects on social skills, relationships, and mental health.

These are just a few examples of CNN's coverage of video games. The network regularly reports on the latest developments in the gaming industry, including new game releases, industry trends, and controversies.